Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I need an exact English to French translation for a tattoo?

I don't want to use the online translation computers because I don't trust them, and I don't know anything about French grammar to do it myself.

"I am alone with no defenses. In this world of bad faith, my heart will keep me afloat when my head can't help but sink."I need an exact English to French translation for a tattoo?
Je suis seul sans d茅fenses. Dans ce monde de mauvaise foi, mon coeur me gardera sur l'eau quand ma t锚te ne peut pas s'emp锚cher de couler.

i used this website on my french hw many times and when my teacher corrected it it didnt have any errors it may help if you wantI need an exact English to French translation for a tattoo?
its good but i would change

mon coeur me gardera a flots quand ma tete ne peux s empecher de couler (i dont have the accents on my keyboard)

a flots is a more subtle way of saying sur l eau

flots takes an s a the end when it relates to the sea

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