Friday, January 27, 2012

Need help with english to french translation?

It is for my homework. Note: I need sentences with antonym pairs.

How do I say this in french:

The sun is huge compared to the small planets.

Gas is light and metals are heavy.Need help with english to french translation?
Le soleil est 茅norme comparativement 脿 la petites plan猫tes.

Gaz est lumi猫re et de m茅taux sont lourdes.
go on to google translate. but just remember (i take french too) if you have le before the "sun" word then u must stay masculine throughout the whole sentence. so all the "the"s have to be le unless the word after it starts with a vowel then its l'. but im sure you know that. take words you know and put them in the sentence then just go on GT and look up words you do not know. good luck :")Need help with english to french translation?
Le soleil est 茅norme compar茅 aux petites plan猫tes.

Le gaz est la lumi猫re et les m茅taux sont lourds.Need help with english to french translation?
Le soleil est 茅norme compar茅 aux petites plan猫tes. Le gaz est l茅ger et les m茅taux sont lourds.

Good luck with your french homework :)
the sun is huge compared to the small planets-

le soleil est 茅norme compar茅 aux petites plan猫tes

gas is light and metals are heavy-

gaz est la lumi猫re et les m茅taux lourds sont
Le soleil est 茅norme compar茅 aux petites plan猫tes


Le gaz est la lumi猫re et les m茅taux sont lourds.

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