Tuesday, January 24, 2012

English - French Translation "wake sombody up"?

I know that "se reveiller" is "to wake up," but if you were wanting to say that you woke someone else up, would you use the same verb? For example, "i woke up my sister." Would that be "je me suis reveill茅e ma soeur"?English - French Translation "wake sombody up"?
"se reveiller" means "wake (oneself) up". To wake up someone else, drop the reflexive pronoun: "j'ai reveill茅 ma soeur"

that helps.English - French Translation "wake sombody up"?
"J'ai reveill茅 ma soeur" You use avoir for the past tense since the verb is no longer reflexive.

English - French Translation "wake sombody up"?
J'ai reveill茅 ma soeur

I woke up my sister : j'ai r茅veill茅 ma soeur.

When you say : "je ME suis r茅veill茅e ma soeur", ME is yourself.

Use R茅veiller when you talk about someone else.

Use SE r茅veiller when it's pronominal form (je me r茅veille, tu te r茅veilles, il se r茅veille, nous nous r茅veillons, vous vous r茅veillez, ils se r茅veillent).
"j'ai reveill茅e ma soeur".......you double the "e" when refering to female.

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