Love is giving someone the power to break your heart, but trusting them not toEnglish -French translation please?
Gosh, does no-one really speak french on here ???
'' Aimer, c'est donner 脿 quelqu'un le pouvoir de briser ton coeur, en ayant confiance qu'il/elle le gardera intact. ''
This translates literally as '' To love is to give someone the power to break your heart, while having confidence that he/she will keep it intact.''
I find that it better respects the poetic sound of the phrase. The literal translation would be :
''L'amour, c'est donner 脿 quelqu'un le pouvoir de briser ton coeur, en lui faisant confiance de ne pas le faire.''
" Aimer c麓est donner 脿 quelqu麓un le pouvoir de casser ton coeur [1], mais en fiant que celui-l脿 [2] ne le fera pas."
[1] c艙ur
[2] for female people instead of "celui-l脿" you should say "celle-l脿"; it麓s rather better then to say "... EN FIANT QUE L麓ON NE LE FERA PAS" or "... qu麓il ne le fera pas" (for male) or "... qu麓elle ne le fera pas" (for female).English -French translation please?
L'amour est une personne de donner le pouvoir de briser votre coeur, mais 脿 ne pas faire confiance
if u can Speak french why don't u do it your self your asking people for help!!!!!English -French translation please?
L'amour, c'est donner 脿 une personne le pouvoir de briser son coeur, en confiance qu'elle ne le fera pas.
Something like that :P
L'amour donne 脿 quelqu'un la puissance de briser votre coeur, mais leur fait confiance pas 脿.
L'amour donne le pouvoir 脿 quelqu'un pour casser votre coeur, mais ne les fiant pas 脿
This is not perfect but as close as I can get.. it's a difficult sentence and I'm sure there will be various opinions..
L'amour donne 脿 quelqu'un le pouvoir de casser votre / ton coeur, mais ayant la confiance qu' ils ne le vont pas faire.
le pouvoir -- power/control... I think you are mixing it up with the verb pouvoir which means to be able to..
mais ayant == but having
la confiance = trust/confidance
qu'ils == that they
ne le vont pas faire == are not going to do it.
The word power has several different words in French..
la puissance, force, pouvoir, etc etc..
NOTE: Ivan has started his sentence with an infinitive verb.. just know that is also correct. When an infinitive starts a sentence is means that the word adds -ing..
Aimer in his sentence means love/loving...
Also anyword that looks like a verb but ends in -ant also adds the --ing.. (ayant is a form of avoir but with -ant AND means having) not sure what level you are, but I thought I would point that out..
The rest of his stuff I'm not sure about.. I never was told to use cellui and la in that fashion... but I'm not saying it's wrong .. it's just over my head.
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