Tuesday, January 31, 2012

English - french translation?

If you were to say "He was named Interior Minister," would you say

il a nomm茅 ministre de l鈥橧nt茅rieur


il a 茅t茅 nomm茅 ministre de l鈥橧nt茅rieur

or something esle?English - french translation?
Yes... Il a 茅t茅 nomm茅 ministre de l鈥橧nt茅rieur. This is correct.
you were using future tense for both of those which would make it technically wrong.

you could say it like this;

Il 茅tait nomm茅 le ministre d'interieur

that would be pretty close i would thinkEnglish - french translation?
Il a 茅t茅 nomm茅 ministre de l鈥橧nt茅rieur

锚tre nomm茅 - to be nominated

nommer - to nominateEnglish - french translation?
answers above are correct. il a nomme ministre de l'interieur is incorrect.
il a 茅t茅 nomm茅 ministre de l'Int茅rieur is the correct saying.

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