Tuesday, January 31, 2012

English-French translation?

I am going to invite my friends for lunch. I will prepare.....English-French translation?
Je vais inviter des amis pour diner. Je pr茅parerai...

J'invite des amies pour diner. Je vais pr茅parer...

edit: Casanov said that lunch was d茅jeuner. He is right if you're in Europe, however in North America, lunch is diner.
You say "je vais inviter mes amis 脿 d茅jeuner" (the verb) or "pour le d茅jeuner" (the noun), "je pr茅parerai...".English-French translation?
Je suis aller inviter mes amis pour d茅jeuner. Je volont茅 se pr茅parer.....


To say 'my' in French, you use mon with masculine words and ma with feminine words.

If a word starts with a vowel or the letter -h, you use mon even if the word is feminine.

With plural words, mes is used in all cases.English-French translation?
perfect answer above, just my friends is "mes" amis

and lunch is "d茅jeuner"

I don't agree, when you translate you don't take into account the country where you are. iIm a professional translator and lunch is d茅jeuner, sorry!
Je vais invitier mes ami(e)s pour dejeuner. Je vais preparer.
oh, i take french!

Je vais inviter mes amis pour le d茅jeuner. Je pr茅parerai...

( i had to copy and paste it from microsoft word to do the accents...)


is right. if you want to do it in FRENCH like in france french, then hes right.

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