Tuesday, January 31, 2012

English - french translation?

if you wanted to say "it seems silly/petty/ridiculous" would you use "il semble?English - french translation?
脟a semble ridicule/b锚te/insignifiant.

I suppose that "it" refers to a thing and not to a person. So you cannot say "il".
I believe so.English - french translation?
On it's own, yes.

ex: Il semble idiot/petit/ridicule. (B锚te also works, it is similar to 'silly')

Unless given indication that what is seemingly ridiculous is feminine.

ex: Je n'aime pas cette chemise, elle semble idiot/petit/ridicule.English - french translation?
It seems silly- il Semble Idiot

It seems ridiculous- il semble ridicule

脟a semble...

脟a para卯t...

脟a a l'air...

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