Friday, February 3, 2012

French Translation without a English to French Translator?

Please Translate these sentences without using a English to French Translator because an English to French Translator translates just the words without getting a real sentence.

Where on Earth Could Kim Be?

KIm is that really you?

Yes, I left because I had to use the washroom

You have to be kidding me.

I'm not, I felt like my bladder almost exploded.French Translation without a English to French Translator?
ou est-ce que kim?

kim, est ce que c'est vraiment toi?

oui, je suis parti car j'avais besoin d'utiliser la toilette

non, sa ne peu pas etre vrai!

non,vraiment je te ment pas, jaller exploser!

its not the exact words that are translated but that how u talk in french, u know, like not every word has to b translated it just has to make sense

Ou sur Terre est Kim?

Kim, c'est vrai, c'est toi?

Qui, j'ai quitte parce que j'ai utilise le toilet.

Tu as me rigole. (that's probably wrong)

Je ne suis pas, idea.

Yeah i dont know if thats all right or anything, its the best i could do cause i dont feel like using a translator or dictionary right now. good luck.French Translation without a English to French Translator?
Ou sur terre est Kim?

Kim, est ce que ca c,est toi? (or vous)

Oui, je suis parti par ce que j,ai doit ultiliser la chambre de laver.

tu doi etre me rigoler.

Je ne suis pas, me sens mon bladde a presque explose.French Translation without a English to French Translator?

Kim is that really you?:

Kim est-que vraiment vous?

Yes, I left because I had to use the washroom

oui, je suis parti parce que j'ai d没 utiliser les toilettes

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